Thursday, 17 April 2014

Man kills his son to play video games

A young man called Chung from south Corea.Killed his 2 year old son to be able to have more time to play video games.The 22 year old man left the child all alone for 10 days while he was at a cyber café playing games.The detained has confesed that he covered the mouth and the nose of the boy with his hand so he could keep on playing games.

The family of the murdered child explained that the father had a very strong addiction to video games and that made him lose his head,he didn't even have any work or money and he also had long history of stealing.Unfortunatley its not the first time that someone dies  because of  video games.In 2012 a lady from Seül killed her newborn baby directly at the cyber café.

Monday, 14 April 2014


Terrorism has no legal criminal law definition.Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts that are intended to create fear and they are prepared for a religious,political or ideological goal.Terrorism has become very popular these days and that is very scary because lots of people can get very hurt or even die if they have been part of a terrorist act.I think that the goverment isn't doing very much to reduce all of this terrorism and that makes a lot of people angry,like me.I think that they should think more about people's lives and less about the amount of money they would have to invest in to stop a lot of terrorists.One of the biggest terrorists in the world vas Bin Laden that killed a lot of people and that was killed by the american soldiers to stop him from doing terrorist acts.Like the one he did on the llth of September of 2001 where he destroyed the Twin Towers. and killed milions of people.